
Biuro obsługi klienta

  • Poniedziałek - Piątek

    8.00 - 15.00
  • Sobota - Niedziela


Serwis urządzeń

  • Poniedziałek - Piątek

    08.00 - 15.00
  • Sobota - Niedziela


Potrzebujesz więcej pomocy?

MAJA EASY Membrane skinner

  • Easy and cost-effective meat enhancement
  • The smallest membrane skinner for meat processing plants
  • Gentle skinning process – increased efficiency

Why is it worth it?

  • Membrane skinning means enhancing valuable meat pieces.
  • Time-saving due to faster processing of cuts
  • Increased throughput and production
  • Excellent product quality as the meat surface remains intact – no cuts caused by imprecise manual skin removal with knives, which can lead to drying out and significant quality loss
  • MAJA EASY applications remove membranes from all types of round meat pieces, including pork, veal, beef, game, poultry, horse, as well as lamb, ostrich, and kangaroo.
  • It is a perfect solution for companies starting with membrane skinning technology, small and medium-sized meat processing plants, and high-quality meat specialty producers.
  • START/STOP of the skinning process is controlled by a convenient foot pedal with an ergonomic shape
  • To ensure consistently excellent skinning results, the transport roller is continuously cleaned from meat and membrane residues – without interrupting the skinning process
  • Two cleaning system options: cleaning with the MAJA three-roller system or with compressed air
  • Easy, tool-free knife exchange with a quick locking mechanism
  • No need to remove the knife handle for cleaning
  • Fast and easy cleaning and maintenance
  • Flexible installation and space-saving design – a significant advantage in facilities with limited space
  • Can be used in production plants and boning departments, as well as in the meat shop and supermarket retail area
  • High safety standard compliant with EU regulations


SKU: ID1589 Producent MAJA Category:

Technical Data

  • Cutting Width: 341 mm
  • Machine Width: 753 mm
  • Machine Depth: 621 mm
  • Machine Height: 994 mm
  • Electrical Connection 400V/50Hz/3Ph: 0.55 kW
  • Weight: 165 kg

Availible models

EASY: Continuous cleaning of transport rollers without compressed air, thanks to the 3-roller MAJA cleaning system. Highly flexible and independent of the machine’s installation.
EASY/1: Continuous cleaning of transport rollers with compressed air. An ideal solution for skinning mainly pieces of beef. For a clean skinning process, the air blast can be adjusted in the cleaning option.