
Biuro obsługi klienta

  • Poniedziałek - Piątek

    8.00 - 15.00
  • Sobota - Niedziela


Serwis urządzeń

  • Poniedziałek - Piątek

    08.00 - 15.00
  • Sobota - Niedziela


Potrzebujesz więcej pomocy?

Universal forming machine REX UFM 300-2 / 300-3 / 300-4


The industrial dumpling forming solution

These provide an uncomplicated and automated way to shape dumplings. The filling flow divider separates the portions into several rows. The form cutter mounted directly to the conveyor belt guarantees exact portioning and the form rollers beneath create the ideal shape. The rounded dumplings are then placed onto the conveyor belt. The form rollers are available in various diameters for all sizes of dumpling. Beautifully round dumplings can be created from meat, potato, bread and various other food products.

Optional UV sterilisation for the FB 300 conveyor belt guarantees the highest possible level of bacterial eradication thus enhancing hygiene standards, giving machine suitability in high risk environments.

